Friday, April 18, 2008

Being Change: the way of the activist

After holding our retreat, "Being Change: The Way of the Activist" at other centers across the country, we held our first one at The Stone House. 12 amazing people, ages 30-68, came from as close as Durham, as far as Berkeley CA, from Brooklyn, West Virginia and DC. We spent gorgeous spring days in sitting meditation, yoga, discussion, art, storytelling and more.

Sau and Michelle put their heads together...

Collage-making to express our prophetic visions for the world.

La Sarmiento considers her work.

Ric and Corey connect on the last day of the retreat.

Laughing meditation, our closing ritual...

Monday, April 7, 2008

highlights from the Soul Cafe

In late March, The Stone House hosted its first Soul Cafe, an afternoon for local musicians, poets, storytellers, artists and community members. Oragnized by outreach coordinator, Solita Denard, the Soul Cafe attracted folks from as far as the mountains and as close as Mebane to share some of their amazing talent. We were joined by very special guests, "Rising Appalachia" and their sounds of folk, world roots music, and hip hop. Their music and spirit lifted The Stone House right outta the ground... If you do one thing today, you should go to their website, and CHECK THEM OUT!!!

Leah on banjo, John on bass, Tahz on drums

Chloe on banjo and there's Tep in the back left on drums.

From our own backyard (!) Mebanesville shared their soulful sounds of local music with a global sensibility. We're excited to make these new friends. You can find out more on their website,

Phyllis Wiley, from Durham, shared a heart-stopping piece from her book, "Soul Grasping Poetry." Check out the power.

Ruth King, visiting NC from her home in Berkeley, got everyone on their feet as accompaniment to her words on rage and healing. There is more about Ruth's work, her book and workshops on "Healing Rage" on her website:

Glen Kearn from Mebane shares his powerful song-writing and playing.

Solita enjoys a much-deserved break!

first sights of Spring

Yep, that's right - first signs... sights... smells of Spring at The Stone House. So much is blooming all around us - purple, pink, white, yellow and lots and lots of GREEN. This is one of our first pear blossoms above.

Lots starting to poke through the soil in the garden as well.

The greenhouse is finished.

And lots of small, new life forms are making their home in it.